If you’re enquiring about a tattoo, please ensure you include the following information:
Tattoo placement
The size you have in mind, in cm
Whether you want colour, black and grey (soft shading), or blackwork (just black ink)
Make sure you mention if there’s anything specific you want me to do with, or include in, the design
If the tattoo is going to be large/going over heavy scarring or stretchmarks/covering an existing tattoo, please include a picture of the area
Similarly, if there are any other tattoos in the surrounding area, please include a picture so I can design to the space
If there are any reference images that can help communicate what you have in mind, in terms of style or subject matter, then please include those too
Alternatively - and if you need to send any images with your enquiry - you can drop me an email on inkinsomnia@gmail.com